Choosing the Right Phone Case
What's in a cell phone case?
Why are cell phone accessories so important? Good question. Here's your answer.

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Just as there are dozens of different types of cell phones, so there are many thousands of different cell phone accessories.
What are you looking for when it comes to cell phone accessories?Of course, you want something that will protect your cell phone and keep your investment safe, but how do you ascertain what is the right cell phone case for your phone. Whether you have an Android or an iPhone, accessories are easy to find. What makes one better than another for your phone?
Function and Style
When you are seeking a good cell phone case, consider the kind of protection that you want. If you want optimal protection, select a cell phone case that is a totally enclosed case. Enclosed cases fit around the entire outside of the phone. They protect the sides and back and to some extent, they protect the screen too because they have a ridge around the glass that will raise if off the ground and protect the screen if it is dropped.
Specialty Cases.
Keep in mind that a wide range of full cover leather specialty cases exist that will allow you both style and function as well and help to totally protect your phone while you are carrying it. If you drop while you are using it these are not quite as safe and secure as your other hard wrap around cases so in many cases, getting both is the right answer to really protecting your phone.
Learn more about the various points of your phone that need the most protection with our second article in the series--protecting your phone.